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The Investing for Impact in India (I-4) platform is a government-hosted multi-stakeholder platform aimed to bridge gaps in the demand & supply facets of impact investment ecosystem. The platform intends to contribute towards plugging the SDG funding gap by maximizing SDG investment in India.

I-4 is designed to be a facilitator for NITI Aayog, ministries/departments of central / State Government, investors, NGOs, social enterprises, and Monitoring & Evaluation agencies to work in a coordinated manner to drive SDG achievement.

Challenges Identified
  • SDG financing - India needs to increase its SDG spending by an additional 6.2% of GDP until 2030 (~$200 billion per year) adding up to ~$2tn in the next decade.
  • A platform to institutionalize multi - stakeholder engagement.
  • Improvement of the statistical system - Regular generation of data and reporting.
  • Monitoring, capacity building and data-based planning right till the first cog in the entire value chain.
Key Modules

An investor of both Indian and foreign origin such as corporates, individuals, NGOs, Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF), or government entities

State/Central Government

Governments are primarily responsible for the achievement of SDG goals at fiduciary level

Implementing Agencies

Agencies ranging from NGOs domestic / international), corporates & government departments

Specialized Agencies

Monitoring and Evaluating Agencies

Due Diligence Agencies

Key Outcomes

channelize funding towards SDGs in India by dovetailing government risk capital with private capital and re-aligning budgets towards SDG priorities through greater data-based decision-making coupled with monitoring by the state and central governments.


promote alignment of funding needs with SDG gaps, mapping of programs with SDGs, and consistent M&E of programs.


enable multi-stakeholder coordination, serving as a coordinator to ensure funding goes to areas of greatest need, and supporting participatory planning by stakeholders.


Driving the value chain for SDGs through a database of SDG-aligned programs and credible implementation agencies; real time reporting with coverage of geography, beneficiary, SDG indicators, funding; a resource centre; and meeting point for investors and investees