Government of India committed an estimated Rs 10 lakh crore to over 700 welfare schemes in FY 21-22 with MNREGA, PM-KISAN, Jal Jeevan Mission & NHM contributing to 50% of the expenditure. States spend Rs. ~15 Lakh crore in welfare schemes. Combined, India apportions approximately 34% of its expenditure on benefit and welfare schemes every year. Despite such expansive interventions by the Governments, India has one of the highest number of BPL families with a poverty rate of around 20%.
Allows creation of a family and associated relationships between members.
Allows government stakeholders to configure welfare schemes based on eligibility criteria
Allows families to view welfare schemes applied & additional schemes applicable to each member
Allow creation of benefits wallet consisting of member wise benefits received by family
Allows for monitoring & zero-based budgeting through data analytics on the collated data
Enhanced Transparency and tracking by citizens of welfare benefits received across all departments.
Reaching "last in line" families for welfare delivery and removing leakages.
Proactive Identification of eligible beneficiary families