A recent report titled "Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast: Fact or Fiction?" by Primus Partners reveals that 99% of respondents consider workplace culture crucial to a company’s strategic success.Drawing insights from private and public organizations, the report highlights global examples like Zappos and Netflix, showcasing how strong, values-driven cultures drive engagement, innovation, and profitability.
Devroop Dhar, Managing Director, Primus Partners, shares his opinion on the evolving role of workplace culture in business strategy. He emphasizes that culture is dynamic, shaped by an organization’s vision and the socio-economic landscape. He highlights the need for businesses to view culture as a strategic asset and integrate it into their long-term plans. At Primus Partners, the focus remains on work-life balance through flexible policies, mentorship programs, and a collaborative environment. He underscores the importance of leadership development, inclusivity, and aligning organizational values with stakeholder expectations to drive sustainable growth, innovation, and resilience.
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