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Global Presence

As a rapidly growing organisation, Primus Partners has established an expansive and robust global presence with projects in the Asia Pacific, Africa, Middle East and the Caribbean regions. By leveraging our cross-sectoral expertise, strategic partnerships and decades-worth of regional and global insight, our work extends to areas that include but are not limited to:

Public Policy and Regulatory Assessment
Public Infrastructure Planning and Development
Ease of Doing Business
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Career Development
Economic and Investment & Realisation
Capacity Building
Digital and Cybersecurity
MSME growth facilitation
Working with International Organisations

We have worked with a wide range of international organisations, further strengthening our commitment to innovation and high-quality output. We have worked with several marquee global clients, including 3 of the top 6 companies by market cap in the US.

Multi-lateral agencies
  • United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
Multi-lateral funding agencies
  • World Bank
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Donors and philanthropies
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • The Global Fund
Commitment to Excellence

We are highly committed to driving excellence across our work, operations and firm processes. As signatories to the UN Global Compact, we also assure adherance to its principles of adopting sustainable and socially responsible policies. Primus Partners is also committed to compliance with quality globally-recognised standards in our people and processes, including:

  • Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMi) Level 5
  • Great Place To Work Certification for four years in a row
  • ISO 9001:2025 for our Quality Management System
  • ISO 27001: 2013 for our Information Security Management System
  • ISO 14001:2015 for our Environmental Management System
  • ISO 20000-1:2018 for our IT Service Management System
Team Profile
Nilaya Varma

Nilaya Varma

Co-Founder & CEO

Davinder Sandhu

Davinder Sandhu

Co-Founder & Chairperson

Our Work at a Glance
Digital Strategy, Roadmap and Advisory Support for the CARDTP Program in the Commonwealth of Dominica funded by the World Bank.
Advisory support for Digital and AAAG (Anticipatory, Agile and Adaptive Governance) framework across the countries in the Asia Pacific region for UNDP including Bhutan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka and Samoa amongst others.
Support to USAID guarantee organisations such as the Centre for Urban and Regional Excellence (CURE) towards safe sanitation and water and the Safe Water Network for access to affordable and safe drinking water through social entrepreneurship.
Advisory services to India’s G20 Presidency across areas such as Digital, Healthcare and Sherpa Office.
Partnering with Niti Aayog and UNDP for the development of an SDG Impact Investment Platform.
Advisory support to a Capital City Authority in East Africa for urban reforms.
Policy and regulatory support to one of the largest Global E-commerce companies
Drafting of a State action plan for the growth of MSMEs as part of a World Bank-funded program.
Research and advisory support to the World Health Organisation on medical devices.
Research and advisory support to the World Health Organisation South East Asian Regional Office on climate linkages.
Research and advisory support to the World Health Organisation South East Asian Regional Office on hand hygiene.
Research and advisory support to the World Health Organisation South East Asian Regional Office on the Male Declaration.