As a rapidly growing organisation, Primus Partners has established an expansive and robust global presence with projects in the Asia Pacific, Africa, Middle East and the Caribbean regions. By leveraging our cross-sectoral expertise, strategic partnerships and decades-worth of regional and global insight, our work extends to areas that include but are not limited to:
We have worked with a wide range of international organisations, further strengthening our commitment to innovation and high-quality output. We have worked with several marquee global clients, including 3 of the top 6 companies by market cap in the US.
We are highly committed to driving excellence across our work, operations and firm processes. As signatories to the UN Global Compact, we also assure adherance to its principles of adopting sustainable and socially responsible policies. Primus Partners is also committed to compliance with quality globally-recognised standards in our people and processes, including:
Co-Founder & CEO
Co-Founder & Chairperson