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Monthly Policy Note | October 2022

In times of uncertainty, it is best to look inwards and strengthen the core. The ongoing geopolitical issues coupled with concerning global economics are reason enough for India to further strengthen the domestic growth and development plans.  With this context, in this edition of the Monthly Policy Note, we look at the EoDB in India while also highlighting how technology in Govt services, development in key states like J&K, global co-operations in defence as well as the growth of the GIFT City can contribute in various ways in helping India grow and be slightly more resilient to global shocks. The last few years, in ways more than one, have resulted in the global geopolitics staying in a very fluid state, while the issue of climate change continues to be a concerning factor. As another potential pandemic awaits in the form of AMR, it is important to work across sectors like healthcare and education. More states in India are becoming investment destinations for both domestic as well as foreign investments and in our expert speak, we have Mr. Baldev Harpal Singh, IAS (1989 batch) as he highlights Maharashtra’s vision towards enabling the growth of industries in the state.